Halloween Fun in COVID Times

Halloween may look a little different this year.  Here are a few ideas on different ways to have fun this Halloween.


Halloween Movie Night

Make some yummy snacks and pick out some Halloween favorites to watch as a family.

Neighborhood Decorating Contest

Get a group of neighbors together to decorate their houses.  Then walk through the neighborhood and pick your favorites.

Family Jack- o- lantern contest

Gather crafting supplies that you have around the house and decorate pumpkins.  Select a theme to add some more fun.

Halloween Scavenger Hunt

Make a list of items for the kids to find in the house and see who can find them the fastest.

Halloween Egg Hunt

Hide wrapped candy in the yard before it gets dark and then have the kids use flashlights to find the treats.

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All the contents on this website and all social media platforms are provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is intended to offer guidance regarding venues and businesses that are reopening. The ultimate judgment regarding any specific activity is yours. We do not take any responsibilities for any decision you make with the information provided on this website and on our social media platforms. We are not medical doctors or professionals, nor do we have any medical or scientific training, education, or experience. You should follow government guidelines for safe practices for yourself and your family members before making any decisions relating to any activities that are outside your home.